all postcodes in L22 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L22 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L22 9QA 11 0 53.476742 -3.030567
L22 9QB 38 12 53.477931 -3.027986
L22 9QX 58 2 53.47863 -3.028412
L22 9QD 24 10 53.478537 -3.026662
L22 9QE 42 19 53.479371 -3.024814
L22 9QG 45 13 53.477931 -3.027145
L22 9QH 44 0 53.480046 -3.025764
L22 9QJ 39 0 53.479897 -3.028549
L22 9QL 41 0 53.481077 -3.026061
L22 9QN 29 1 53.479745 -3.026285
L22 9QP 29 0 53.479479 -3.026881
L22 9QQ 35 10 53.479095 -3.024596
L22 9QR 28 0 53.479599 -3.026522
L22 9QS 51 0 53.479304 -3.027161
L22 9QT 26 0 53.478883 -3.028238
L22 9QU 31 0 53.479013 -3.027864
L22 9QW 30 0 53.479846 -3.025833
L22 9QY 32 0 53.478491 -3.029718
L22 9QZ 29 1 53.478391 -3.02907
L22 9RD 14 0 53.477999 -3.031833